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In this Week’s Show Justin is in the TechtalkRadio Studios and joins Andy talking about the latest in Technology. We get Justin’s thoughts about returning to the wonderful Southern Arizona Temperatures. Justin touches upon his Tech Support history recollecting working at the AOL Call Center some years ago. We get the story about a legendary call into the center that called up the frustrations of the Agent handling the call. AOL certainly was a big stepping ground for many that would eventually take the leap onto browsers navigating around the web.
The guys talk about the connected home and how those that live in the home should all know how to use, enable and disable when required. What’s the best way to learn all the features? The guys talk about created a booklet with the step by step instructions. Andy shares a great experience that could be had with a new computer however it would take local shops some time to offer classes on the basics. For those wanting a more individual experience the guys check out Professor Teaches and the online/DVD model they offer.
Justin discovers they are sharing a computer in the studio and decides to Rick Roll Andy during the show. Andy lets him know about Dinahmoe Labs and the Rick Astley Music Generator and has a great time creating some “Never Gonna Give You Up” Remixes on the fly. You can check it out at http://www.dinahmoelabs.com/plink
Justin gives us an update on his recent passion for 3D Printing and joining groups online and what to consider before asking a question to the groups. The popularity of groups covering everything from Playing Golf to fixing cars are rising in popularity on Facebook, Reddit and other social sites. Justin and Andy talk about E3 and the recent Apple WWDC.
With the pending Monsoon activity due over the next couple of months, the guys talk about power management and info that should be looked at during an electrical storm. Andy observes Justin interacting with some kids chatting about Fortnite while shopping and exclaims, “One of the Reasons I am proud to have you as a friend.”
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