News13 Segment Posted – Tech Products for the Desktop from Logitech!

For the Segment April 01in Studio, Andy Taylor of @TechtalkRadio Focused on Products to give some help at the Desk! While many have returned to In Office Working, the landscape has changed and have found the benefits of Remote Collaborations and Conversations using technology.

During the Pandemic as many of us shifted to Working from Home and Virtual Meetings with Webcams, we found many companies were ready for Video Conferences and there was a run on even the most basic cameras. One of the companies that continued to produce quality webcams is Logitech. They make great products for the home user, education and gamer and have added focus for business.

We are sharing a couple of products they have introduced, All New is the Logitech MX Brio 4K, This step up from the 2017 Brio features ultra HD 4k resolution video, Logitechs largest webcam sensor giving you a sharper picture even in Lower Light. AI image enhancement is a part of bringing that quality to user – It features a Dual Microphone Sensor with Excellent Noise Reduction and options through the Logitech G Hub Software. It will integrate with the popular communication programs like Skype, teams and Zoom and even features a Privacy Shutter! It Retails for about 199.00

Sound is also a part of the Equation and as a radio host I wear headphones for upwards of 5 to 8 hours a day, these are the most comfortable headphones I have worn. The Logitech Zone 2 Wireless headphones are amazing. Hear remote participants clearly, even if they are in a noisy environment. Switch on Advanced Call Clarity and your conversation can be clearer with Four noise-canceling mics suppress sound from nearby conversations, pets, even AC, Zone Wireless 2 gets up to 15 hours of talk time or 22 hours of listening time, 5 minutes of charging can provides up to 1 hour of talk time, They are super comfortable. AI is also incorporated into the Zone 2 Wireless for that Noise Suppression. The Zone 2 Wireless retail for around 249.00 Find out More at

New Show Posted! Mailing Meatballs!

EPISODE 282: Mailing Meatballs!

In this Weeks TechtalkRadio Show, The guys talk about Broadway building out his studio for streaming and audio but going old school by filling his walls with egg cartons to absorb the sound.

Photo of the Studios with Egg Crates for Sound
Broadways Studio with egg crates for sound absorption!

Shawn is under a severe weather watch during the show and we talk about storms and earthquakes, while andy has thought he lived through the big Landers 7.1 Quake in the 90’s, Justin reminds him, he was in Japan during the 2011 Fukushima 9.1 Justin, Shawn and Andy talk about Dr. Disrespect making a jump to YouTube but not determined to be a regular streamer with this as his home.

Amanda joins the show and shares some insight to educators and parents and getting information during remote learning. Hooking up a Smartphone to second monitor or tablet is discussed. Broadway jumps on to talk about his studio upgrade and what he has been doing.

Andy talks about a new Movie on HBO Max called An American Pickle with Seth Rogan and the upcoming The One and Only Ivan on Disney +. Shawn tells us about students back on Campus and how they have gotten prepared for that and the technology involved. Justin tries out software from Nikon to use his DSLR as a webcam.

The crew issues warning of giving out too much information when it comes to census and covid-19 info. Broadway tells us about Microsoft Garage and a program he found which allows you to run a mouse on multiple computers over a network! The program is called Mouse without Borders

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Logi Circle camera, Intel processors, and Cobra dash cams

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Andy interviews:

Vincent Borel of Logitech describes their Logi Circle “home security and connection camera”. It has a rechargeable battery and can stream three hours of video for up to three hours, “2-Way Talk” capability (with audio monitoring), and free 24-hr cloud storage for recorded video that can be downloaded…

Karen Regis of Intel talks about the 6th Gen Intel Core processors which “have been optimized to best run Windows 10, enabling new experiences…and providing more secure computing.”

And Chris Kooistra of Cobra discusses Dash Cams that can “automatically save and protect clips if an impact is detected”.