In this Episode of TechtalkRadio, Shawn and Andy talk about Announcements from E3, Weather Protection for your Electronics, Capturing Lightning on Smart Cameras, Free Smart Home Thermostats may come with a price. Thanks for Tuning in! Check us out on the Web at
In this Weeks TechtalkRadio Show, Andy Taylor, Shawn DeWeerd, Justin Lemme chat about a recent report from Go.Verizon on the most dangerous states when it comes to data phishing. A blizzard type storm runs through Denver where Justin is based in and he tells us about preparations for the storm. The guys talk about Weather Reporting and Sites for gathering information on weather. Andy tries to mention the name of a site for getting weather but as usual screws it up, weather from Tupac?
Crypto continues to be a fascinating story for news outlets to cover yet most may not understand what it is about. Justin recommends following Tim Pace for info on the technology. Microsoft deals with an Exchange server problem and Shawn breaks down some of the problems around it. Andy shares the Terryza PocketPC he featured on KMSB Fox 11
Andy talks about Google Pixel users now being able to get unlimited storage with those devices on the Photo site. Justin talks about his upgrade to the Pixel 5 and what he likes and what he misses. Shawn tells us the story about a video he shot that went viral in 2014. It is an easy video to locate, “I didn’t make this kid pass out on the floor.” Shawn shares with us the background of the Video and how it went all over including Jimmy Kimmel and CNN. Justin tells us a similar story about Fox 5 in San Diego with a Water powered Jetpack which is found as a epic news failure. we have the videos shared on our blog at TechtalkRadio.
Shawn was the Cameraman on this Video
Justin shared this News Fail
We welcome Rosemary Roller, Communication Specialist with Go.Verizon to the show. Rosemary tells us about a recent study on telecommuters and safety and security while working from home. She reveals to us the study’s findings in States which are considered the most problematic for users and those phishing for information. We also learn the factors involved which also surround the laws to protect users.
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In this Weeks TechtalkRadio Show, The guys talk about Broadway building out his studio for streaming and audio but going old school by filling his walls with egg cartons to absorb the sound.
Broadways Studio with egg crates for sound absorption!
Shawn is under a severe weather watch during the show and we talk about storms and earthquakes, while andy has thought he lived through the big Landers 7.1 Quake in the 90’s, Justin reminds him, he was in Japan during the 2011 Fukushima 9.1 Justin, Shawn and Andy talk about Dr. Disrespect making a jump to YouTube but not determined to be a regular streamer with this as his home.
Amanda joins the show and shares some insight to educators and parents and getting information during remote learning. Hooking up a Smartphone to second monitor or tablet is discussed. Broadway jumps on to talk about his studio upgrade and what he has been doing.
Andy talks about a new Movie on HBO Max called An American Pickle with Seth Rogan and the upcoming The One and Only Ivan on Disney +. Shawn tells us about students back on Campus and how they have gotten prepared for that and the technology involved. Justin tries out software from Nikon to use his DSLR as a webcam.
The crew issues warning of giving out too much information when it comes to census and covid-19 info. Broadway tells us about Microsoft Garage and a program he found which allows you to run a mouse on multiple computers over a network! The program is called Mouse without Borders
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