The Latest Show – Shawn The Lobster

In this week’s show, Shawn takes a trip to the Lake and gets into the water and forgets to reapply the Sunscreen, this gives him a lobster type look. This has the guys talking about the Weather Apps on the Market and which ones are the best. Shawn and Justin talk about Weather Underground and the NOAA App. For 2.99 a year, Weather Underground is a good solution. The guys talk about the latest revelations of the latest Ransomware attack which opens the discussion on password management. What is a VPN? How do IT Managers work with VPN and should 2 Factor Authentication be used. Shawn tells us about Microsoft Flight Simulator coming to Xbox in July and the DLC for Top Gun Maverick. Turtle Beach introduces the VelocityOne Flight for flying with the Xbox pr PC and it looks Amazing!
Andy misses Microsoft Combat Flight Simulator and Justin recommends DCSWorld for a more military style flight sim. Nintendo has a Treehouse event during the Virtual E3, and we will be talking about on Next Week’s Show. Diablo 2 has been announced as being reintroduced.

Microsoft makes the announcement that Windows 10 Support will end in 2025. The guys talk about how this will be the next step in the evolution of the OS for what is to be announced on the 24th. When it comes to the Microsoft Windows Platforms the crew talks about the ones they liked and what frustrated most people. The Latest Windows 10 Update has some really frustrated users. The guys talk about what they would love to see with a new Windows Operating System. Driver Support is one we would all love to see, Justin talks about that alternative, Driver Easy.

Justin talks about the RTX 3080 Video card and still not being able to get his hands on one. Digital Currency Mining and Elon are discussed with Justin sharing his disappointment in statements made by Musk. Shawn and Justin offering different views when it comes to doing 3D print jobs for other people. Shawn talks about Sony and the Airpeak S1 Drone with a price of 9k yet, he loves some of the testing and capabilities of the drone which includes foldable landing gear.

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New Show Posted Episode 302

EPISODE 302: Wading in the Water and Not Getting Wet

In this Weeks TechtalkRadio Show, its Andy Taylor and Justin Lemme on the show. Shawn is on the Road for a Getaway and the guys talk about doing road trips and the Technology that goes with it. Andy ask Justin if he uses the Apps for Trip Planning or Gas Cost when RoadTripping. The guys talk about the Ransomware attack on Colonial Pipeline and what measures companies are taking in protecting their data. Justin and Andy talk about Phishing done to get information and why caution should be used in Social Media Questionnaires.

Justin has been trying out the Oculus Quest 2 and loves it. He tells us some of the fun experiences he has with it. One that he really likes is RealVR Fishing, super basic but a fun relaxing experience. Wear Glasses? Justin talks about how that works with the Oculus Quest 2.

Andy Taylor talks with Doug Little from Wacom about the recent introduction of the One by Wacom and how it fits so well into Education. Justin gives us the Website of the Week, for Golfers that want to keep an eye on the Golf Handicap.

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KMSB Fox 11 With Andy Taylor – We look at Products from Wacom for Education and Creativity

For this Segment this Morning, We have some great products for not only Education but also very popular with Graphic Artist. Wacom has been making products for years with its beginnings in 1983 in Japan. The company makes graphics tablet which can allow the user to use a digital pen on the tablet and relay that information to the screen within Graphics Programs such as CorelDraw Graphics Suite, Adobe Illustrator and Photoshop. With this though, the power of the product is in the pen. One of the newest products they have introduced is the One by Wacom. What’s great about it, it can be used with not only PC or Mac based systems but also with Chromebooks. The Pen is battery free and done with pressure sensitivity to give student the feel of Pen on Paper, You can write with it, answer questions and even create with it. We have the Small One by Wacom tablet which retails for only under 60 bucks.

Photo of Tablets from Wacom - Taken by Andy Taylor TechtalkRadio

Next is the Wacom Intuos Wireless Graphics Drawing Tablet, again, the power of the pen. It features a bunch of software to get you started exploring and creating. The top buttons can be set and programmed for actions that can help with the workflow. The screen can be shared perfect for remote classrooms and meetings. The pen features  4,096 levels of pressure sensitivity. No USB Connection is required as a Wireless connection can be made thanks to Bluetooth 4.2 but USB is available if Bluetooth is not available.

Lastly we have the Wacom Intuos Pro – Available in three different sizes, we have the Small Edition which comes loaded with some great software for creating some amazing graphics. The specialized pen is the Pro Pen Two with interchangeable nibs, these are used for fine tuning and intricate touch ups. I love the fact that it gives the user that pen experience and opens up the creative workflow. The Intuos Pro is priced around $250. To take a look,  check out

New Episode – Finding Bitcoin in the Couch really happened..kind of

In this Weeks TechtalkRadio Show, its Andy Taylor Shawn DeWeerd and Justin Lemme on the show. Shawn has been busy working with the Sports schedule at the University and producing the sporting events and shares some of the biggest challenges in getting these done. Shawn gives us a look at the Wyze Light Bulbs and the ability to change some of the schemes all controlled by an App. Justin talks about why he ended up no longer using the Philips Hue system. Andy talks about the Wyze Cameras and how happy the Outdoor Camera has made his friends who bought the system. Andy shares a scary story which he calls his Social Dilemma moment regarding an Ad, fed to him on Instagram which hit too close to home. Andy notices that some of the quizzes which can reveal information used for passwords or verification have started to appear on Facebook and Twitter, this is dangerous for giving up info to those looking at your pages for information. The guys talk about personal data leaked online on Facebook. Justin tells us a way to read the envelope as to whether it is junk mail or not.

Shawn shares some info on a project he has been taking up for a Plex Server within his trailer while camping. He tells us what is unique about the 12v Raspberry Pi server and why he did it.
Justin talks about the uses he has found for Raspberry Pi and in the meantime builds a giant robot spider for some fun called a hexapod.

Justin tells us about finding some Bitcoin he forgot about from 2016 and just sitting there has had great return. He tells us the story about discovering it and then deciding to buy himself a Samsung Galaxy Tab S7Plus, we talk about that decision and why that over the Microsoft Surface. Justin explains the difference between the 2 and how the Surface is more of a powerful laptop. Justin tells us about using Sketch Desk.

Justin brings back 60Sec Tech, he talks about Social Media handles on Sports uniforms, Neuralink and the monkey playing pong, Microsoft buys Nuance. The guys pick the story about the Monkey and Justin tells us how it was done.

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Episode 299 – The Kid Passed Out on the Floor! New Radioshow Posted!

In this Weeks TechtalkRadio Show, Andy Taylor, Shawn DeWeerd, Justin Lemme chat about a recent report from Go.Verizon on the most dangerous states when it comes to data phishing. A blizzard type storm runs through Denver where Justin is based in and he tells us about preparations for the storm. The guys talk about Weather Reporting and Sites for gathering information on weather. Andy tries to mention the name of a site for getting weather but as usual screws it up, weather from Tupac?

Crypto continues to be a fascinating story for news outlets to cover yet most may not understand what it is about. Justin recommends following Tim Pace for info on the technology. Microsoft deals with an Exchange server problem and Shawn breaks down some of the problems around it. Andy shares the Terryza PocketPC he featured on KMSB Fox 11

Andy talks about Google Pixel users now being able to get unlimited storage with those devices on the Photo site. Justin talks about his upgrade to the Pixel 5 and what he likes and what he misses. Shawn tells us the story about a video he shot that went viral in 2014. It is an easy video to locate, “I didn’t make this kid pass out on the floor.” Shawn shares with us the background of the Video and how it went all over including Jimmy Kimmel and CNN. Justin tells us a similar story about Fox 5 in San Diego with a Water powered Jetpack which is found as a epic news failure. we have the videos shared on our blog at TechtalkRadio.

Shawn was the Cameraman on this Video
Justin shared this News Fail

We welcome Rosemary Roller, Communication Specialist with Go.Verizon to the show. Rosemary tells us about a recent study on telecommuters and safety and security while working from home. She reveals to us the study’s findings in States which are considered the most problematic for users and those phishing for information. We also learn the factors involved which also surround the laws to protect users.

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